Tuesday, May 09, 2006


451617_brown_envelopeYoung writers can sometimes be intimidated by writing. Most kids like the idea of writing a letter to someone. Letters are more fun to write than essays for school. Children can write the letter in their own voice and it feels more natural.

Try some of these letter writing story starters.

Dear Santa,

I've been very good all year long. Before I tell you what I want for Christmas, let me tell you a story about how good I have been. I...

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am not having fun at summer camp this year. I need you to come and pick me up early. You won't believe all the crazy things that have happened to me. First,...

Dear President Bush,

I think that you are doing a good job as President, but I have a few suggestions for how you can fix some of the problems in the United States. The first thing I would like you to change is...

Dear ZooKeeper,

My class recently visited your zoo on a field trip. I noticed that some of the animals did not seem very happy. I have a few suggestions for how you could redesign the zoo to make the animals more comfortable. First I would...

Dear Hollywood Movie Producer,

I had a dream the other night that could be made into a great movie. I think it could be a blockbuster! Here is my idea for the best movie of all time...

Dear Book Editor,

I have written a great children's story. I think it is even better than Harry Potter. I will enclose the story in my letter so you can decide if you want to publish it. Here it is...

Dear Astronaut,

I love studying about space travel in school. My goal is to become an astronaut just like you one day. I think that you should let me travel into space with you on your next mission because...

Dear Guinness Book of World Records,

I am writing to you because I have a very unusual talent. I would like you to come visit my hometown so you can see for yourself. I think you will put me in your latest record book because...


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